Percolator Coffee












Ensure that the coffee is coarsely ground.


• Fill the pot with cold water (based on the amount of coffee you want to make). Starting with cold water will cause the percolator to heat slowly, giving you a better-tasting cup. Filtered water will give even better results.
• If using paper filters (Sold separately), rinse the paper filter with hot water, then insert it into the percolator basket.
• Add coarsely ground coffee to the basket, being mindful that percolators normally make strong coffee. So, less is better unless you love it strong, avoid using finely ground coffee, as this can become mud in your percolator.
• Turn on the heat. If you’re using a stovetop percolator, set it on the stove before turning the burner on to a medium or low setting.
• Monitor the brewing process. Most percolators feature a clear plastic or glass knob on the top of the kettle. Once the water gets hot enough, you’ll see it bubbling up inside the knob. You want the bubbles to sputter in short intervals.
• If the water is bubbling too fast, your water is heating too soon and too hot. If the water isn’t bubbling much, it’s too cool, so turn up the heat just a bit.
• Once your water is bubbling at steady intervals, you need to time it according to your taste, but it should be between 4 and 10 minutes.
• Anything under 4 minutes is too weak, while more than 10 minutes results in a bitter cup.